

CSC学习实验室同伴导师计划在大多数学科领域提供辅导, including general education courses. You can meet with student tutors to discuss class material, get questions answered about a class, or to receive help studying for 考试. 所有CSC学生都可以免费接受朋辈辅导. Some subjects tutoring is offered: 数学, 写作, 化学, 生物学, 社会科学, 牧场管理, 音乐, 心理学, 教育, & 业务.

你是在线学生吗? We offer all tutoring subjects available in person or online. When making an appointment using our 预订页面, please select "Online Appointment". We will send you a zoom link for your tutoring session. 请确保准备好你正在做的作业,以供导师参考. 如果您有任何疑问或疑虑,请与学习实验室的前台联系 tutor@callpinger.com or 308-432-6382. 

Quotes from students who have used the tutoring center:

“Alec and Logan and Bri always me help out.”



工作时间:周一至周四:上午8点.m.-6 p.m. 星期五晚上8点.m.-4:30 p.m., Sunday: By appointment only.

A student signs in at the 学习实验室



Sometimes you need help at 2:00 am, or only have a quick question, or a video is the best explanation. 在这些时候,了解一些按需可用的资源是有帮助的.



的 Purdue Online 写作 Lab (OWL) is the go-to resource for college writing information. 这是我们的导师使用的,它应该是你的书签页之一.


我们的导师建议 Symbolab数学求解器 which solves math problems step-by-step. 注意,这不是用来做作业的,而是 学习如何 做作业.

数学way is another site to help you work through math problems. It has a variety of online calculators for any class.

你知道学习实验室有TI-84图形计算器供借阅吗? 联络我们: tutor@callpinger.com and check one out for the whole semester.


的 动态元素周期表 is great for learning and exploring the elements. 对各种元素进行排序、选择和搜索,以获得大量的信息.


We here at the 学习实验室 cannot recommend the 可汗学院 高度不够. 最初是一个人用YouTube视频辅导他的表弟,现在已经成为学生和老师最好的学术资源之一. While it is primarily geared towards math and high school students, there is a ton of information in a variety of subjects:

它是免费注册的,每个主题都分为易于消费的短课程, 视频, 和实践.

CrashCourse 是一个YouTube频道, that was initially recommended as a great history resource, 事实就是这样, but also includes informative 视频 on literature, 生物学, 生态, 化学, 和更多的.


大学对学生来说压力很大,尤其是在大学的第一年. Time management can be a difficult skill to master, but is one of the most crucial skills to learn for success.

It is important to 学习如何 to manage your time well, to make more time for yourself outside of class. 纪律=自由!


1. 创建日历

创建一个日历来帮助你管理你的每一天,就像可以减轻很多压力. 而不是被两天后要交的重要论文吓到, 或者因为晚上不小心安排了学习小组而错过了HUB的有趣活动, creating a calendar can help you manage your events, 最后期限, 考试, 还有有趣的活动. 

Some great digital calendar options include:





2. 设置提醒

如果你决定使用电子日历,是时候设置一些提醒来帮助你坚持下去了. 如果你需要按时完成某些任务,这可以帮助你, remind you when social events are coming up, 并且帮助提醒你发送关于小组项目的小组信息. 

If an digital calendar isn't for you, you can use a physical planner, or set reminders on your phone to alert you. Time management is all about setting yourself up for success, and giving yourself the tools to do that will help you, and increase your confidence. 

3. 使用适合你的工具

If a digital calendar doesn't work for you, that's ok! Find the tool that works best for you, and stick with that. 你越是坚持使用这个工具,它就越容易按计划进行. 你的日历或时间管理选择将帮助你进行短期和长期计划. 



如果你喜欢纸质计划, these can be really helpful with long term 最后期限, 重要的上课截止日期, 考试日期, 和约会/会议. Time Blocking is also beneficial. 




If you are back to back appointments, class, 会议, 和工作, scheduling by the hour may be what works for you. 以下是一些被证明对学生有帮助的建议!




5. 优先考虑

Like we have said before, Discipline= FREEDOM! 当你有很多事情要做,而时间却很少的时候,事情就会变得有压力. 然而, if you 学习如何 to prioritize your tasks, and take on big projects in sections at a time, you will find these tasks become easier to accomplish. 

Try to complete simple tasks first, get them out of the way!

什么可以推迟? Think about social events coming last, there will always be another time, but there will not be another due date for your mid term project. 

朋友会理解的! 没有什么比那些支持你优先考虑学业和工作安排的人更能说明好朋友了. 

6. 玩得开心!

It is also important to schedule in time for yourself. Life isn't always about class, 考试, work, and studying. 把你的幸福和心理健康放在第一位,并及时安排与朋友一起玩乐. 

CSC offers amazingly fun ladbrokes立博中文版 events on campus. 检查在这里 for a list of fun events coming up! 

7. 利用校园资源

时间管理、组织和准备有时只能让你走这么远. Luckily, there are a lot of resources at CSC to help you succeed! We have people rooting for you in every corner! Here are some suggestions on places to go for help:


辅导 Services- Schedule appointment here




Peer 指导 - Back on Track

在学习实验室里有导师可以帮助你在大学期间取得成功. Peer Mentors are here to help in a variety of ways. 你需要一些帮助来组织,寻找动力,或者只是找人聊天吗? Peer Mentors are here for you!

你是在线学生吗? 所有重回正轨的同伴辅导课程也可以在网上找到. 参观我们的 预订页面, please select 'online appointment'. 一旦我们收到预约,我们将通过电子邮件为您和您的导师提供缩放链接. 


After completing the program, students were asked “What did you learn while participating in the program?”

“I knew more ways to study and make sure I am successful”

“I learned how to manage my time better”


学生们也被问到 “Do you feel the Back on Track Program benefited you?”

“我觉得这对我有好处,因为每周都要去见我的导师,这有助于我跟上我的课程, knowing that the meeting will be short if all my work is done, and I'm caught up is a motivation.”

“It was helpful, it kept me on track with my schoolwork”

“这让我对自己的课程感觉更舒服了,尽管我仍然很挣扎. It just made things a lot easier!”

Students working in the 学习实验室


一些运动队和其他组织要求学生参加学习实验室的自习室时间. Please sign in at the 学习实验室 front desk, then depending on your coach or other leader's requirements, you may study quietly in the library, 与家庭教师一起学习, 或者参加学习小组.

如果请求, 我们也可以为您填写一份自习室课程表格,然后交给您的教练或指导员. 根据要求, 我们也可以给你的教练或指导员发邮件,告诉他们你参加了学习实验室的自习室. 

Peer Assisted Study Session (PASS) Leaders



主题 位置 天 & 次
BIOL 101 General 生物学 I with Dr. 哈代 线圈017 



CHEM 334 Organic II with Dr. 基思 & CHEM 335 Biochem with Dr .. 基思 线圈017  星期一 & 周三晚上8-9点
CHEM 334 Organic II with Dr. 基思 线圈017  周二晚上8-9点 & 9-10 PM
CHEM 132 College 化学 II with Dr. Evard  线圈017 星期二 & 周三晚上7-8点
CHEM 334 Organic II with Dr. 基思  线圈017 星期二 3-4 PM and Thursdays 8-9 AM
MATH 232 Applied Statistics with Mr. Sayaloune  线圈232 周三晚上7-8点


Become a Peer Tutor or Mentor

你有兴趣成为同伴导师、导师或PASS领导者吗? 请发电子邮件给Chantel Merchen,学术成功办公室主任,索取申请包: cmerchen@callpinger.com. You may also pick-up an application in person at the 学习实验室.


  • 绩点3分.0或更高(2).0 if recent grades suggest high potential)
  • Excellent interpersonal skills
  • 渴望学习和贡献(提供帮助的机会很多)
  • Must be a positive academic role model

Chantel Merchen
Director 学业成功办公室
P: 308-432-6381
E: cmerchen@callpinger.com

P: 308-432-6488
E: rmonahan@callpinger.com